
WWF: We only have one planet


We’re in the middle of an environmental breakdown. We’re seeing huge swathes of forests being cut down, witnessing our rivers and lakes fill up with plastic pollution and losing species at an alarming rate. We can’t let this continue to happen to the nature we all rely on for the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe

It’s time we stop destroying our environment and restore it instead.

The good news is that solutions do exist. Around the world, Indigenous communities, agents of change, and businesses are coming together to help rebuild our magnificent planet. By joining forces, people are ushering in an age of change.

Explore inspiring stories from the incredible individuals taking action for our one shared home. These serve as a blueprint for our future. A future where we work with nature, not against it:

Rubrika je u okviru realizacije projekta Udruženja Podium „Sve je lako kad si mlad 5“, izdavača Novog Radio Sombora, koji se realizuje zahvaljujući sredstvima Grada Sombora na Konkursu LAP za mlade za 2022. godinu.

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accompanie85697d by: Srdjan Acanski, B.S.

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