
WWF: Get ready to hear really ROOARsome news 


tomorrow is my day and I have great news:

people are successfully managing to increase our numbers in nature! #roooar

Tiger Stripes

In India, for example, the number of tigers has doubled, and countries like China, Nepal and Bhutan are on the right track. This proof that amazing things can happen when we band together!


That is why Siniša, we need to continue this success for the tigers which are still endangered. Join us in our mission to save them by symbolically adopting one:

Tigers – one of the many endangered species. They are largest cats in the world, together with us for 2 billion years 🐅 Tomorrow we celebrate the Tiger Day, day when 13 tiger range governments gathered to make a commitment on doubling the wild tiger population by 2022.


WWF has played a crucial role in supporting these commitments and investing in initiatives to help these majestic big cats make a comeback. We provide policy advice, find solutions together, and of course deploy more rangers to deter tiger trafficking!


As top predators and ‘umbrella species’ tigers help to keep their environment healthy.  It’s the way things naturally work in the wild – the predators prey on other animals, in this case herbivores (plant eaters) such as deer. But without enough tigers to eat them, herbivores can overgraze and damage the land, disrupting the balance of the local environment.

Local people also depend on a healthy environment for food, water and lots of other resources. Protecting tigers is good for all the people and wildlife sharing that environment.


Remarkable unsung heroes who safeguard wildlife, forests, and biodiversity. With unwavering bravery, they maintain the delicate balance of our ecosystems, fearlessly patrolling rugged terrains to preserve nature’s diverse species.

Siniša, thank you in advance for being a part of this Tiger day.

Making a donation will make an even greater impact, enabling us to continue vital conservation work.

Copyright © 2023 WWF Adria, All rights reserved.

Medijska pažnja i pratnja: Novi Radio Sombor


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