
WWF: Bring change to the table


  • We all need to eat, but the way we produce and consume food today is the number one cause of biodiversity loss – the treasured variety of life on Earth. Our food systems are also a major contributor to the climate crisis, generating around 30% of all greenhouse gas emissions

The facts are pretty shocking, and the warning signs are clear. We’re seeing more extreme temperatures and erratic rainfall, increasing water scarcity, collapsed fish stocks, exhausted and eroded soils, and alarming declines in insects like bees that pollinate life-sustaining crops. There’s no doubt that our current food systems are eating our planet. 

The good news is that there are huge opportunities to feed the world in a way that works with nature, not against it. If we do things differently, we can stop forests turning into fields, keep rivers flowing, restore soil fertility, reverse the loss of life on Earth and reduce greenhouse gas emissions – all the while ensuring there’s enough healthy and nutritious food for every person, now and in the future. And we can all take action right now to make it happen:

Take action

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accompanied by: Srdjan Acanski, B.S.

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