- Have you ever heard of forest bathing? Despite the name, the Japanese tradition is not about being in any kind of water. It’s about spending time immersed in nature, quiet among the trees, and observing the space around you. And it could do us a world of good
Researchers found that forest bathing lowers blood pressure and stress levels, and strengthens the immune system. And people who spent at least two hours a week in nature reported feeling a greater sense of well-being than those who didn’t.
In fact, both the Japanese and South Korean health services prescribe forest bathing sessions. In Japan alone, there are now over 70 designated ‘healing forests.’
Nature is responsible for the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. But the natural world is also vital to our physical and mental health. It’s critical we champion nature and safeguard the future of our magnificent planet:
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accompanied by: Srdjan Acanski, B.S.