
WWF: Are you part of #TeamEarth?


Even though we may come from different nations, we should all be rooting for the same home team: #TeamEarth. Right now, our planet is facing nature loss – its toughest opponent yet. As you read this, over 1 million plant and animal species are threatened with extinction. We’re also losing forest areas the size of 27 football fields every minute

Thankfully, we have a unique opportunity to turn the match around as the year comes to a close – and it’s critical world leaders use this chance to score big for nature. At COP15 – the UN Biodiversity Conference – world leaders need to commit to reversing nature loss by 2030.

It’s time for them to turn promises into action. It’s time to kick off a new chapter for people and nature.

Rubrika je u okviru realizacije projekta Udruženja Podium „Sve je lako kad si mlad 5’’, izdavača Novog Radio Sombora, koji se realizuje zahvaljujući sredstvima Grada Sombora na Konkursu LAP za mlade za 2022. godinu.

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Povezani članci

WWF, Action for our planet: Your weekly round-up
WWF: We only have one planet

