- Predsednica Fondacije Rejmond Nikole Trast, dr Kristin Hilčenko, pozvana je od strane predsednika Rotari kluba Sent Albans da govori o ciljevima i projektima dobrotvorne organizacije u sredu, 11. oktobra 2023
Kristin će prisutnim članovima objasniti svrhu i ciljeve dobrotvorne organizacije, kao i neka od dosadašnjih dostignuća. Takođe, ona će navesti sve razloge zbog kojih dobrotvorna organizacija podržava obrazovanje u Srbiji i koliko je napora potrebno da bude zatvoren jaz u vezi sa ovim ambicijama.
Fondacija Rejmond Nikole Trast je veoma zahvalna na pozivu i prilici da bude podignuta svest o dobrotvornoj organizaciji i njenoj svrsi.
- The Raymond Nicolet Trust Chairman, Dr Christine Hilcenko, has been invited by the president of the St Albans Rotary Club to speak about the charity’s objectives and projects on Wednesday 11h October 2023
Christine will explain to the members present the purpose and objectives of the charity, as well as some of the achievements to date. In addition she will tell all the reason the charity is supporting Serbia education and the amount of effort required to close the gap with the ambitions.
The Raymond Nicolet Trust is very grateful for the invitation and the opportunity to raise awareness of the charity and its purpose.
Medijska pažnja i pratnja: Novi Radio Sombor
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Media attention and support: New Radio Sombor
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